This is my 2011 art project: I'm going to attempt to do one drawing every day of the year. The drawings can be any medium, any size, any level of care and completion. I'm looking forward to seeing how my work evolves and improves, and whether this practice helps me to be more organized and "together" in the rest of my life pursuits.

Click on any of the sketches to enlarge.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Plastic skull

Alex took a couple of my plastic skulls to school to use in Theater class. They sat around in the classroom for about a week, and came back with fewer teeth than they used to have.


  1. That is a very real-looking skull; is it cast from one? It looks quite bony, not slick like plastic might. Too bad about the teeth, but maybe it has more character now. Are the others slightly different? I can imagine their having a conversation - school stories about how they lost their teeth.

  2. It probably doesn't look like plastic because it was poorly lighted, and didn't have any shiny highlights.

  3. He does look like he's telling us something - perhaps about his mistreatment at the hands of the students... whatever it is, his approach is impish and possibly trying to stir up a bit of trouble...
