This is my 2011 art project: I'm going to attempt to do one drawing every day of the year. The drawings can be any medium, any size, any level of care and completion. I'm looking forward to seeing how my work evolves and improves, and whether this practice helps me to be more organized and "together" in the rest of my life pursuits.

Click on any of the sketches to enlarge.

Monday, September 26, 2011



Sabu was lying in front of me, just like this, and gazing at me for a long time, before I suddenly realized I should draw him! I had to go to the studio to get my sketchbook and pencils, and I asked him very nicely to stay, because I wanted to draw him. He did stay, just like that, until I got resettled in my chair and was ready to start drawing... and then he left! So I drew this from memory. He is doing "The Famous Sabu Paw-Tuck", as we call it. I love the way his shoulders protrude forward. His name is pronounced "Sayboo", by the way...


  1. Isn't that interesting - your line quality is so different when you are drawing from memory - perhaps because you are looking at the sheet projecting the image from your mind's eye instead of looking up and down? It makes for a neat, clean lined cat, fit for that children's book (except Sabu looks a little scary)!

  2. Right on, Em! I hadn't noticed that difference in line and am glad you pointed it out. That is probably another way our art changes because of how we are making it. I can see the difference between my own plein air paintings and those that are studio-originated, and I'm trying to figure out what that difference is so I might get that fresh alla prima quality into my studio works...and maybe it isn't possible, either because of where one's eyes are looking (inward or outward) or where I am in relation to my canvas; out in the air or indoors in different, unrelated air. I think you've hit the nail on the head talking about projecting from one's mind's eye vs looking outward. Thanks for sharing that insight!

    And Amy, this is a fine drawing of a slightly tense - or very focused - cat! I don't see him as scary, just very alert. Glad to know how to properly read/say his name.

  3. Yes, there is never anything scary about sweet Sabu.
