This is my 2011 art project: I'm going to attempt to do one drawing every day of the year. The drawings can be any medium, any size, any level of care and completion. I'm looking forward to seeing how my work evolves and improves, and whether this practice helps me to be more organized and "together" in the rest of my life pursuits.

Click on any of the sketches to enlarge.

Friday, April 15, 2011


We went to see The Mountain Goats again, this time in Baltimore, at a tiny hole-in-the-wall club called Ottobar. Alex was right at the front of the stage, but I got a seat on a bench up in the balcony, which was right next to the left side of the stage. I had a good, up-close view of the backs of the band. I could have reached down and patted the keyboardist on his head. The sound quality where I sat was terrible (I wonder how the band can gauge whether they're on key, because it all sounded off to me, since I was behind the speakers.) Anyway, here are my sketches:

Before the concert

The opening band - Megafaun

Still Megafaun

Bass player Peter Hughes and John Darnielle of The Mountain Goats

The Mountain Goats' drummer John Wurstler

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